
2005 Volkswagen TOUAREG

2005 Volkswagen TOUAREG

$ 3,200 00

5996 views Condition: Used
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State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 19652 Scottsdale Rd
Zip code: 85054
Make: Volkswagen
Model: Touareg
Body type: SUV
Year: 2005
Mileage: 124511
Interior color: Black
Exterior color: Black
Transmission: Auto
Engine: V8, 4.2L
Trim Level: V8
Body Type: 4 Door Wagon
Manufacturer: Volkswagen AG
Production Seq. Number: 015280
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Horsepower: 310HP
Engine Code: V
Drive Line Type: AWD
Vehicle Type: Multipurpose Vehicle (MPV)
Vehicle Class: Mid-size MPV
Restraint System: Dual Air Bag; Curtain and Side Air Bag; Side Impact Air Bag-Front
Country: GERMANY
Assy. Plant: Bratislava, Slovak Republic
GVWR Class: Class E: 6,001-7,000 lb
Check Digit: 9
MPG: S6:12-17-14
AAIA: 55557/82650/153194
AAIA_ENGINE: 7795/13716
AAIA_LEGACY: 1430802
Type: Car
AAIA_VehicleID: 55557/55557
AAIA_EngineConfigID: 7795/7795
AAIA_TransmissionID: 2667/2667
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: 9/9
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: 6/6
AAIA_DriveTypeID: 6/6
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: 1/6

Rear Main Seal Leaking

        Air Bag - Side Curtain
        Air Conditioning
        Cruise Control
        Power Door Locks
        Power Seats
        Power Steering
        Power Windows
        Rear Window Defroster
        Tilt/Telescope Wheel


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